Subject: Shell Business Plan Author: SCORE Chapter #60 Uploaded By: BillG85566 Date: 3/23/1995 File: BUSIPLAN.WK3 (40396 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1655 Needs: Lotus 1-2-3 or MS Excel Librarian's note: Will not open within MS Works, but will open in MS Excel. Some reformatting of fields might be required. Consists of Cash Flow Statement, Balance Sheet & Income Statement as well as a business plan outline. ============== File Scanned with McAfee Virus Scan 4.05 Super Dat file date 03/21/01 File Scanned with Norton Anti-Virus 2001 Dat file updated 03/27/01 File Scanned with InoculateIT PE Virus Scanner Dat file updated 03/27/01